
The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Deploying ADF 11g application in weblogic 10.3

Today, I was trying to deploy my ADF 11g web application to a weblogic server. So the first step was to right click on View Controller project and go to deploy option. This created a war file for me as npe.war . I went to weblogic console and in the deployments choose install option and provided the path of npe.war. After few next next and finish I saw an error saying:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.adf.library.webapp.ResourceServlet

So, on hunting for a solution finally found that I used the wrong way of deployment. Instead of deploying View-Controller project as a war file I should have deployed the whole application as an ear file. So to do so there is an application menu in the jdeveloper. Select deploy option from there and choose deploy to ear file. So far so good I went again to the weblogic console deleted the old npe.war web app and this time installed npe.ear. After reaching the finish step on hitting finish I saw a new set of errors saying:

java.security.PrivilegedActionException: wenlogic.common.ResourceException:
java.security.PrivilegedActionException: wenlogic.common.ResourceException:
No credential mapper entry found for password indirection user=system for data source NPE

So, another hunt on web resulted into another change I need to do before deploying the app as an ear. To avoid this error you need to go to Application --> Application properties and in the new window uncheck Auto Generate and synchronize weblogic-jdbc.xml Descriptors during deployment.

That's it.. now deploying the ear this time should successful. Please comment if you found any other issues while deploying your ADF application to weblogic.


Shona said...

HI Vivek,
I have similar task in hand where I have developed my ADF application on 11gR1 and need to deploy it on 10gR3. I followed your steps but ended up getting these exceptions while deploying the EAR in the weblogic server.

"[J2EE:160149]Error while processing library references. Unresolved application library references,

defined in weblogic-application.xml: [Extension-Name: adf.oracle.domain, exact-match: false],

[Extension-Name: oracle.jsp.next, exact-match: false]."

looks like some of the jars might be missing in the 10gR3 server, did u face such trouble?
Please let me know if you have any information.

Ram Immidisetti said...


Weblogic domain needs to have ADF libraries. So while create Weblogic Domain make sure you check JRF libraries.

This should solve your issue.


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